Friday, March 7, 2014

Current Conditions--3/7/14

As of today, we still have some snow cover from Mondays storm. A majority of our snow cover is in the shaded areas of the golf course and there are still some spots out in the open and on greens. 

We are hoping for some rain tonight that will help finish melting the last of the snow. We are hoping to be open for play this weekend. If all goes well weather wise, we should be aerifying the fairways starting Monday through Tuesday. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Aerification.......or maybe not!

Well, we have our scheduled dates to aerify the golf course. Our first scheduled date is March 10th-11th for fairways. With winter storm Titan due to hit the area tonight into tomorrow, chances for keeping those dates do not look very promising at the moment. 6-10" of snow is forecast to dump in the South Jersey area. 

This is not really a shocker. For the most part, unlike the past two years, the area typically gets one last significant snow storm. This is the risk we run with scheduling aerification so early in March. We will hope for the best and take what Mother Nature gives us. 

From this point on till our growing season ends in December, we will stay flexible with our agronomic decisions regarding the weather and how it affects the golf course.